Splitting Joint Returns
You can split an Individual return with a status of Married Filing Jointly into separate returns for the taxpayer and spouse. The joint return remains with the original input. Each of the split returns has a status of Married Filing Separately.
To split a joint return, do the following:
- Open the joint return you want to split. Verify the Spouse Social Security Number is entered in the return and that the return has been calculated.
- Click
in the Activity group on the Manage tab.
- Click Yes to confirm splitting the return.
Do one of the following:
- First split. If this is the first time the return has been split, enter the client ID and, if applicable, sub-ID for the spouse return. You can enter the client ID of the joint return, provided there are fewer than 9 existing versions in the tax year for that ID.
- Previously split. If this is not the first time the return has been split, select to overwrite the previously split returns or to create a new return version, and then click OK. A client can have up to nine versions in a tax year.
- When the split is complete, you have the following two options for ending the process:
- Click Print Report to document the split and end the process.
Explain what is in the report.
- Click Close to end the process without printing the report.
- Click Print Report to document the split and end the process.